Anticipating the Christ

Nov 26, 2023    Rick Bowers

What is Advent?

The season of Advent is upon us! Advent, the four-week period leading up to Christmas, is a significant season for Christians around the world. As we engage the season of Advent at Redeemer, we hope it will serve you in three ways. 

Advent creates space to reflect on the faithfulness of God. During Advent, we recall the many Old Testament promises of God that were fulfilled in the birth of Jesus. God is faithful, yet he does not keep time the way we do. Advent teaches us to patiently trust God, who is always working in our waiting. 

Advent celebrates Jesus as the light of the world. During Advent, we will light candles and light up trees to celebrate Jesus our Savior. Our world is overshadowed by sin and darkness, so we remember and proclaim the light of Jesus our Savior.

Advent cultivates a longing for Christ’s return. Amidst the busyness and frenzy of the holiday season, Advent is a time for intentionality. We work together to slow down our lives, recalibrate our affections, and reset our hope on the coming of Jesus our King. 

We hope you will join us on Sundays as we engage the Season of Advent!