Redeemer Kids
Making Disciples of Our Kids
We believe that God has given responsibilities to parents and the church to spiritually form children through discipleship. In Redeemer Kids, we believe that the gospel restores us to a right relationship with God, with ourselves, and with others, so we teach and train our children to love God and love others in our weekly classes. We equip teachers to provide gospel-centered, age-appropriate ministry to children during our Sunday gathering. We also support parents with resources to help them lead the discipleship journey of their children at home.
We also know that it is important for children to live life as disciples in community with others. This happens primarily as parents participate in Gospel Communities with their children. This exposes children to diverse relationships of all ages and helps them learn how to walk in the ways of Jesus in community.
We also know that it is important for children to live life as disciples in community with others. This happens primarily as parents participate in Gospel Communities with their children. This exposes children to diverse relationships of all ages and helps them learn how to walk in the ways of Jesus in community.

Kids at our Sunday Gatherings
Redeemer Kids' classes are available for nursery through 5th grade during the 9:00 and 10:45 services. Classes open 15 minutes before the service begins. Redeemer Kids is a discipleship ministry, committed to teaching children truths from God's Word in age-appropriate ways every week. We want every child to be safe, loved, and led to know Jesus as Savior and Lord.Safety is a priority for Redeemer Kids. Children must be checked in to Redeemer Kids before going to their classrooms. Parents receive a security tag that matches their child's check-in tag. Security tags are checked at pick-up to ensure a safe check-out process for all children. Volunteers who serve with children complete a multi-step screening process, which includes a background check. We uphold a two-adult policy with children at all times (if we do not have two adults available to serve in a classroom, we ask parents to keep their children with them in the service).
Kids are always welcome in the gathering with their parents. They are invited to take a clipboard (with colored pencils and a worship guide) as they enter the gathering and return it at the end of the service. Periodically, Kindergarten through fifth grade students attend the Sunday gathering to expose them to the corporate gathering of the church and communion.
Kids are always welcome in the gathering with their parents. They are invited to take a clipboard (with colored pencils and a worship guide) as they enter the gathering and return it at the end of the service. Periodically, Kindergarten through fifth grade students attend the Sunday gathering to expose them to the corporate gathering of the church and communion.
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