Romans 8:24-25
This week's memory verse is Romans 8:24-25.
Romans 8 has been called the greatest chapter in the Bible by many. Of course, all scripture is God-breathed, and no one chapter is better than another. So why is Romans 8 so important? Because Romans 8 is packed with gospel truth that has power to transform our everyday lives. It teaches us about our justification, our sanctification, the work of the Holy Spirit, and our adoption as God’s beloved children. It speaks to us about the significance of suffering, our future of glory, the final redemption of our bodies, and the renewal of all creation. It reassures us that as we await our future glory in Christ, the Spirit helps us in our present weakness and intercedes for us. It tells us about the sovereign goodness of God in our lives and his commitment to transform us into the likeness of Christ. Finally, it testifies to us that nothing can stop the gospel from advancing, and nothing can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ.
What better way to begin a new year as a church family than to soak in Romans 8? Join us on Sundays as we walk verse by verse through Romans 8. Also, we hope you’ll join in memorizing key verses each week.